photo of different antique and vintage home goodsBefore 1980, asbestos was a commonly used in manufacturing for its heat-resistant properties and low cost. However, between 1973 and 1978, the Environmental Protection Agency banned its use in several products, mainly in building materials.1 These laws were passed after researchers has discovered that asbestos fibers caused mesothelioma, a type of aggressive cancer that “forms on the protective lining of the lungs and abdomen.”2

Older Products That Contain Asbestos

Until 1980, several household products contained asbestos, especially appliances that were heated in some way. Some people still collect or use these asbestos-containing items today. The following vintage items should be removed from houses as soon as possible:

  • Hair dryers and curling irons
  • Coffee pots
  • Toasters
  • Popcorn Poppers
  • Crockpots
  • Irons
  • Ironing board covers
  • Electric blankets
  • Fireproof gloves
  • Burner pads
  • Portable heaters and dishwashers
  • Wood-burning stoves
  • Gas-fired fireplace logs
  • Crayons
  • Beauty or personal hygiene products that contain talc3

Products Made with Asbestos Today

Although the United States government and several other countries have banned the use of asbestos in manufacturing, other countries have not. Some products made in China, Russia, Brazil, India, and Kazakhstan contain asbestos.4

Many countries, including the U.S., prohibit the importation of these products. However, if you travel to these countries, you may be exposed to asbestos while there. In the U.S., asbestos-contaminated products are sometimes imported, sold, and then recalled. For example, in 2015, “the Environmental Working Group (EWG) Action Fund detected asbestos in several brands of crayons and amateur crime lab kits sold in the U.S. In each case, the contaminated product was made with talc and imported from China.”5

Diagnosed with Mesothelioma?

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, our experienced attorneys at Shannon Law Group, P.C., can help you get the compensation you deserve. Fill out our contact form here. Please call us at (312) 578-9501 or toll-free at (886) 881-9980, and we will be in touch shortly. A free no-obligation consultation is available.







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